18 Juli La semana vitivinícola 2018
Señoríos de Relleu in the Honor box of the „Wine and Oil Guide“ 2018 in „La Semana Vitivinícola“
The Wine Week is a specialized publication, whose main objective remains unchanged since its founding in 1945: that of service to the sector. Providing weekly information of a technical and commercial nature that now expands, incorporating a new special number to its already existing four, dedicated to the presentation of a detailed Guide to Spanish Wines and Oils that serves as a link between wineries and consumers.
This Guide aims to inform, serve as an introduction to buyers, become the portico of importers where to look out for Spanish wines, valuing a quality product. And for that, in addition to the traditional distribution to the consumer, it will reach all our subscribers, among which are the main distributors, importers and commercial offices.
Another year we are in the honor roll of the prestigious „Wine and Oil Guide“ of this 2018 of „The Wine Week“ where we give between 96 to 94 points to different coupage.
Below, the evaluations and the honor roll in the links:
Honor Roll
Medium coupage
Mature fruity, ripe apple with a greedy gesture, wax, quince skin, fragrant herbs, medicinal grapefruit, lemon grass, exceptional balance, subtle sour note at the end.
Organic Coupage
Mature fruity, ripe apple with a greedy gesture, wax, quince skin, fragrant herbs, medicinal grapefruit, lemon grass, exceptional balance, subtle bitterness at the end.
Intense Coupage
Green fruity, somewhat more mature than the previous vintage, green apple and plum, lemon grass, ripe citrus pula, new almond, marked spicy (green pepper) and bitter, exceptional balance of values and length.
Delicate Coupage
Ripe, fruity sweet, notes of very ripe claudia plum, cerúleos apúdos, herbs alimonadas, sweet tomatitos, sweet in the mouth, fine bitter notes (almond) and spicy on the mid palate, citrus background (herbs, pulp)