Awards and Prizes

Señoríos de Relleu obtains for the second consecutive year a prize "Gold Medal: Gold" in the prestigious international contest Terra Olivo that has taken place the millenarian city of Jerusalem between the 6th and the 8th of June   Señoríos de Relleu obtains for the second consecutive...

Arbequina, Changlot Real, Alfafara, Manzanilla Villalonga and Blanqueta. Almazara Señoríos de Relleu, Alicante.   I know well the oil mill and the field, I have been several times in Señoríos de Relléu, among other "excuses" to record the TV program for TV Information. The preparation of its...

Our EVO Señoríos de Relleu has been one of the chosen ones within the Gastronostrum Guide 2012-2013. Obtaining 90 to 94 points and the review \ "G \" of favorite in the Guide of Wines, Oils and Cheese of the Valencian Community!   On Monday 21 was...

Prize based on the exhibition and balance between two concepts, the aesthetic factor of the product's own presentation and in the explanation of the components of the product.   This award is based on the coherence between the aesthetics of the base and the explanation of the...

On May 11-14 we attended the III International meeting of Extra Virgin Olive Oil organized by Expoliva.   On May 11-14 we attended the III International meeting of Extra Virgin Olive Oil organized by Expoliva. The meeting was a success and Senorios de Relleu was one of 150...

Señoríos de Relleu, one of the best oils in the world   In our first participation in Los Angeles Extra Virgin Olive Oil competition, we have obtained the Gold medal as one of the best Extra Virgin Olive Oils in the World. For this reason we want to...