
Pocket GiftBox “La Familia” Extra Virgin Olive Oil – (3 Bottles 100 ml)

23,30 (VAT incl.)

My name is Medium and together with my brother Intense and my sister Delicate we are a small, special family of oils in a Pocket Giftbox. We are a blend of extra virgin olive oils from five native varieties of Alicante and Arbequina. This elegant pocket case is part of an edition of different volumes.

My name is Medium and together with my brother Intense and my sister Delicate we are a small, special family of oils.


From our time on the olive trees where we are born on the shores of the Mediterranean to our arrival in our special aluminium bottles, we are cosseted and cared for, harvest after harvest, which is why we reflect the strength and riches of our origin.

Like all siblings we share common roots and idiosyncrasies that make us unique. Our essence lies between the sea and the mountains, but different coupages created with autochthonous varieties of olives are the basis of our three, individual personalities, which cover the entire gastronomic range.


My brother Intense, rich in antioxidants, aromatic and fruity with strong character and a carefully balanced spicy, bitter taste, all of which make him a temperamental oil brimming with nuances.


Delicate, my younger sister, is fresher with more delicate, fruity notes and nuances reminiscent of the aromatic herbs that grow on our mountainsides. She represents the luminous, gentle nature of the Mediterranean.


Lastly, I, Medium, the flagship of our oil press, am spicy on the back of the palette and am capable of bringing together the best of my siblings, I blend well with both and am used to create numerous pairings, bringing balance and harmony.


Our family is born and brought up on these Levant lands, among pine forests, almond groves, rosemary and heather, to offer the world a variety of intensities and fragrances capable of enriching your dishes and filling them with excitement.


Click to see the pairings table for this oil

The Sensorial Star tells us what are the sensory characteristics in nose and in mouth of an olive oil in a simple and graphic way, elaborated by a group of tasters. Indicates how fruity, spicy, bitter it is and the rest of perceptions between them. You can consult the different sensorial stars and descriptions of the oils, in the following links: Delicate Coupage, Medium Coupage, Intense Coupage.

  • Production area: Alicante. Comunidad Valenciana.
  • Altitude: 429 metres above sea level.
  • Variety: Manzanilla Villalonga, Arbequina, Blanqueta, Changlot Real, Picual, Alfafara y Genovesa.
  • Collection system: Knock down and manual vibrate.
  • Collection preiod: In summer, in late October.
  • Extraction system: Continuous system with two phases.
  • Storage: Stainless steel storage tanks rendered inert with nitrogen.
  • Combination: Multiple possibilities in combinations where the oil want to take leading role.
  • Acidity: 0,1º.

Información Nutricional                                Nutrition Declaration                                Nährwertangaben Information                  Nutritionnelle


100 g

Valor energético / Energy / Energie / Énergie: 3700 kJ / 900 kcal
Grasas / Total Fat / Fett / Matières Grasses: 100 g
     de los cuales: Saturadas / of which: Saturates /                     von denen: Gesättigten / dont: Saturés 17 g
Hidratos de Carbono / Carbohydrate /          Kohlenhydrate / Hydrates de Carbone: 0 g
    de los cuales: Azúcares/ of which: Sugars /                              von denen: Zucker / dont: Sucres 0 g
Proteínas / Protein / Eiweiß / Protéines: 0 g
Sal / Salt / Salz / Sel: 0 g
Uno de los Mejores Aceites de Oliva Virgen Extra. Sensaciones del Mediterráneo. Te gusta sorprender? One of the finest Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Mediterranean Sensations. Do you like to surprise?
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