
Ingredientes:        300 gr. De judías verdes. 1      Cebolla. 1      Pimiento rojo. 1      Zanahoria. 1      Pechuga de pollo.        Aceite de OlivaVirgen Extra Señorios de Relleu Medium Sal. Este es otro plato de verduras sencillo pero diferente que las típicas judías verdes cocidas. Es un gran plato, sin duda el rehogado con aceite de oliva vírgen extra da...

Winners of 2 gold medals in the World's Best Olives Oils contest in New York 2016 where 826 olive oil samples from 26 different countries participated   We leave you the comments about our oil: "An extra virgin olive oil that is a delight! From the artistic bottle...

Awarded with 2 gold medals at the World's Best Olives Oils New York 2016 contest where 826 participated olive oil samples from 26 different countries   We leave comments: "An extra virgin olive oil that is a delight! From the artistic bottle to the exquisite taste. This beautiful...

Ingredientes para unas 20 galletas pequeñas:      400 gr.   De de harina integral de espelta. 40 gr.   De anís (licor, en mi caso un clásico Anís del Mono). 1        Cucharadita pequeña de anís en grano. 100 gr.   De aceite que en mi caso he usado AOVE Señoríos de Relleu Organic Coupage 40...

This week is being very special for us !! On Saturday the Agrarian Association of Young Farmers of Alicante (ASAJA) awarded our manager Hugo Quintanilla as Young Innovative Farmer of the year. It is not a prize but a recognition more than deserved for his...

This week has been very special for us !! On Saturday the Agraria Association of Young Farmers of Alicante (ASAJA) awarded our manager Hugo Quintanilla as Young Farmer Innovator of the Year. It is more than a prize, it is a recognition more than deserved...

We are in Miami, Florida, USA in fair SAVBOR: FINE FOOD AND WINE EXHIBITION 2O16. Where are introducing our range of oils to the US market.   [gallery columns="2" size="full" ids="17004,17002"]...

Ingredientes para unos 12 panecillos:      300 gr.   De harina integral de trigo de fuerza. 100 gr.   De harina de harina de espelta integral. 15 gr.   De sirope de agave (puedes usar miel o azúcar). 6 gr.   De levadura de panadería en polvo. 6 gr.   De sal. 260 gr.   De agua. 20 gr....

In the first edition of the contest held in Spain EVOOLEUM we have been selected within the TOP 20 with 94 points out of 96 possible.   The jury has considered that its sample presented under the brand "SEÑORÍOS DE RELLEU MEDIUM COUPAGE" reaches a score of...

In the first edition of the competition held in Spain EVOOLEUM we have been selected in the TOP 20 with 94 points out of 96 possible.   We get great news from the Evooleum Guide where the best 100 EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) in the world...

Ingredientes para el poolish:    100 gr. De harina de fuerza integral de trigo (si no tienes blanca de trigo) 100 gr. De agua. 2 gr. De levadura en polvo de panadería Ingredientes para el pan:    200 gr. De harina de fuerza de trigo integral, puedes poner blanca ointegral sin ser de...

We have been present in \"Alimentaria Barcelona\", held on 25, 26, 27 and 28 April we participated in the Stand of the Generalitat Valenciana in Hall 2 Level 0 E126 (stand 19)....

Ingredientes:      400 gr.   De harina de fuerza de trigo integral, un poco más para espolvorear sobre el pan. 100 gr.   De harina de garbanzos. 100 gr.   De masa madre. 8 gr.   De levadura prensada de panadero. 8 gr.   De sal. 300 gr.   De agua a temperatura ambiente Un chorro de  Aceite de Oliva...

Ingredientes (a mi me salieron 13):      300 gr.   De harina. 1        Cucharada rasa de levadura. 220 gr.   De azúcar. 125 ml.  De zumo de limón. 125 gr.   De mantequilla (yo utilicé 125 ml de Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra 'Delicate' de Señorío de Relleu). 2        Huevos. 60 gr.   De yogur natural. Ralladura de 2...