
Selection in the German magazine - Das Forum für Genieβer: we have selected 3 STARS in our first participation.   Our Extra Virgin Olive Oils Delicate Medium and has been selected in the international competition organized by the magazine oils.  ...

Señoríos de Relleu lagern die Ergebnisse ihrer mühsam, aber mit Leidenschaft, geernteten Früchte ihrer eigenen Olivenbäume in funktionalen, dabei jedoch sehr schönen und raffi ierten Aluminiumfl aschen ein.   Aus diesen Oliven stellt der kleine Betrieb ganz besondere Öle der Klasse Virgen extra her, die über alle...

From October 19th to 23rd 2014, SIAL 2014 “The Global Food Marketplace”, will be an international business centre for all food and beverage professionals; a must-attend event featuring innovation, the latest trends and internationalization. Señorios de Relleu will be present at this event inside “Generalitat...

At the Olive Japan 2014 Competition (Japan) we received a “Silver Medal” for our oils   We want to share these accomplishments with all the people and companies who have made this possible. We appreciate your work, advice, enthusiasm and support. Thank you to our long-standing friends,...

On the inside of a functional, yet incredibly beautiful and delicate aluminium bottle, Señoríos de Relleu deposits the fruits it has been reaping in the course of its brief existence thanks to its effort and passion. Fruits that are joined by those provided by its...

Señoríos de Relleu Extra Virgin Olive Oil Internationally awarded and considered one of the best in Spain   The premium oils produced by Señoríos de Relleu in Alicante, Spain, are fragrant and full-bodied, with a flavor that evokes fruits and fresh cut grass. In order to preserve...

Señorios de Relleu will be present at this event inside “Generalitat Valenciana Pavilion” in Hall 2 stand B68 + C68 (stand 30).   Dear friend: From March 31st to April 3rd 2014, Alimentaria Barcelona will be an international business centre for all food and beverage professionals; a must-attend...

We were selected at Olibar de Madrid Fusión (Madrid), also known as the Fiesta del Aceite Nuevo, part of the International Gastronomy Competition.   Madrid Fusion 2014...

Under a naïf-style image and identical philosophy, Señoríos de Relleu reinvents its most prized gem and presents it in three versions aimed at satisfying the various consumer profiles, from those who prefer them mild to those who opt for the strongest of oils.   Sensaciones del Mediterráneo...

Debates and discussions on how ingredient quality and taste change the taste of a finished dish continues unabated among professionals and foodies. By now, most North Americans know that olive oil is healthier than other fats, especially butter, but there are still many unanswered questions...

Olivenöl ist gesund und die Krönung für manch einen Feinschmecker. Mit Qualität und Charakter hat sich das Familienunternehmen Señorios de Relleu im größten Produktionsland Spanien durchgesetzt. Ihr Öl zählt sogar weltweit zu den besten   Es riecht frisch, ein wenig nach geschnittenem Gras. Manchmal enthält es eine...