13 Avr Señorío de Relleu awarded with 3 Medals « Gold, Silver and Bronze » in the International Contest « Los Angeles International 2.013 » held in the United States
For the third consecutive year, our Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil Señoríos de Relleu® conquers the United States. This time with 3 Medals in the International Competition « Los Angeles 2013 »
At Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2013 (Los Angeles-California), the second most important contest in the world, we have been awarded with a « Gold Medal » and « Silver Medal » to our oils and « Bronze Medal » to the presentation, packaging.
That is why we want to share these recognitions with all the people and companies that have made this possible with your work, advice, enthusiasm and support, and with all those who have known us for a long time, who have been able to taste our EVOO and have encouraged us to continue .
We leave you the appearance in the Diario Información de Alicante.